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Simone subissati architects is a laboratory of multidisciplinary research residential and public, Interior Design, Object Design, Exhibition Design and Installations. The creations of simone subissati architects contain experimentation and theoretical reflection on some fundamental themes of the discipline – from interpretation of the architectural space to interrelationships with contemporary art, the centrality of doing architecture in relation to materials and craftsmanship of the designed product. We believe in an architecture of ideas and not of forms and we conceive it through our senses and experiences. Our starting point is an understanding of the body, of interpersonal relationships and, in particular, of relationships we establish with the surrounding built space and empty space, with culture and memory of the place.


The formation of architect Simone Subissati belongs to the Florentine school, where he was a pupil of Remo Buti, Gianni Pettena – belonging to the original unit of the Italian Radicals – and Roberto Segoni, an international designer in the 80s and 90s and founder of the first Industrial Design courses in Italy. He lives and works between Milan and Ancona, where
he founded the studio Simone Subissati Architects

A fervent critical spirit aimed at contesting the very definition of architecture, of its traditional means, questioning the functionalism of the Modern Movement, is at the origin of the projects of the Radical movement. In their vision, everything can be architecture and the architect’s commitment, no longer exclusively aimed at building, turns to society. An opening that generates countless contaminations with the most varied contemporary artistic expressions. Public forays into the urban space, provocations, liberating domestic environments, promotion of alternative ways of living, have been tools that have given a face to the Radical movement to the point of establishing it on an international level. From Florence, the city of history par excellence, the ideas of the Radicals have spread globally through the most famous magazines of architecture, design, art, literature, touching all the most important points of reflection on the future of a society perpetually poised between democracy and bureaucracy.


Remo Buti – The city
alongside and below:
Gianni Pettena – Red line,
Salt Lake City, USA 1972


Christian Massi, graduated from the Architecture Faculty “Biagio Rossetti” in Ferrara, he improved his training with work and educational experiences in Tuscany (working for MDU Architetti) and abroad: he won two scholarships that allowed him an Exchange at the Universidad de San Buenaventura of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia and for a post-graduate internship in the studio of Francisco Mangado in Pamplona. For over a year he worked in Los Angeles (for Indidesign). He mainly contributes as a Designer and 3D Artist, skills refined with a Master at SoA Academy in 2019.

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